
From cultivators through to retailers, HighStreet can help you map new territory and better understand the competition to know your risk exposure in the cannabis industry.

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Understanding your risks and challenges

The legal cannabis industry in Canada is a relatively new one, but one with huge growth potential and a wide variety of challenges. Adapting to challenging new regulations, supply chain issues, or unforeseen competition, such as the black market or new trending customer preferences, keeps you on your toes, waiting for the next unexpected challenge or risk in this industry, still very much in its infancy.

How we can help

HighStreet is prepared to help understand your operations and create the right customized risk management strategy for you. We understand the operational needs and help you prepare and protect your business in the face of financial, regulatory, and operational challenges.

Who we serve

We work with cultivators, processors, manufacturers, retailers, dispensaries, testing laboratories, and other businesses indirectly involved with cannabis, such as those leasing their owned property to cannabis businesses.

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